
Blogging Anniversary! Thank You!

February 1, 2011

February is

“In and Around the Garden’s”

first anniversary and I would like to extend

a big THANK YOU to:

all my followers,

those who placed a link on his or her website,


to my many new fans a WARM WELCOME.

It’s nice to have so many faithful friends subscribing to inandaroundthegarden.net.


If anyone has specific interests or gardens you would like featured, please leave me a comment or send an email.

Don’t forget to share with each other what you are doing in and around your garden, whether it’s a new way to weed, a ride in the country, or an upcoming event.

Thank you everyone, for making this a banner year!

From my garden to yours,

 ♥ Dianne ♥


  1. Congratulations, and I love this photograph.

    After all these dreary days, sunshine has finally arrived to celebrate your anniversary.

    My purple crocuses are in bloom and the hyacinths are coming up, Spring will be welcome.


    • Thanks, Valerie, for your support, the congrats, and for all your comments this past years. I’ve enjoyed them all.


  2. Congratulations Dianne!
    I too love that photo. It would be a fun one to hand color……….
    Enjoy your accomplishment and celebrate!


  3. Happy One Year Anniversary Dianne, on “In and Around the Garden”. You have provided us with lots of ‘good times’ in sharing your activities in and around the garden as well as a wealth of information for those who enjoy gardening. Here’s to another wonderful year! bernadine


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