
It’s not a yellow submarine

August 11, 2014

. . . or a little yellow village. Nope, it’s yellow mushrooms in my flowerpot. And it’s not a good thing!

Contaminated mushroom spores are distributed during the soil packaging process and on employee clothes from farm to factory. The good news is that this type of mushroom, Houseplant Mushroom, feeds on dead organic material and won’t hurt healthy plants.

The bad news? These pretty little mushrooms are harmful to humans and pets if ingested. So remove them right away, during the small growth stage before they open and shed hundreds of spores. Of course, I didn’t do this because I was curious and I wanted photos to share. That’s the price of a crazy garden blogger.


mushroom 1

mushroom 2

mushroom 3_edited-1

mushroom 4_edited-2

Scientific name of the Houseplant Mushroom is Leucocoprinus bimbaumii (originally Lepiota lutea).

One comment

  1. Oh my gosh. I had some of the little ones in a hanging basket, was going to photograph them, but the next day they wilted. These yellow ones are awesome!


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