Archive for September, 2016



September 22, 2016













September 2, 2016



My first excursion with the Sierra Light Photography Meetup was…well…venturesome. To recap from the last newsletter issue, this is a new Meetup Group for “anyone who has a desire to learn more about their camera and search for beautiful landscape images to capture with like-minded photographers of all levels.”

Five of us carpooled from Jackson. I sat in the front passenger seat to minimize car sickness. Halfway to Winnemucca Lake, the driver ahead of us pulled into the slow lane and then sped up when we passed. Our driver wanted a little victory and met the challenge. Watching the car beside me, the tires traveled so fast each seemed to spin the wrong way. I’m guessing 90 – 100 mph.

The moment I said a silent prayer,  our driver backed off.

Then, in the middle of town, he floored the accelerator, crossed the double line, and leaned around me to send a dirty look toward the other driver.

Fortunately, he didn’t pursue us.

Eight more photographers joined us at the Winnemucca parking lot; friendly folks with classy lenses and tripods. My little point-and-shoot camera looked like a plastic toy. We left on foot for the lake, for that perfect landscape, and instructional tips from our leader.




Four miles in, I never saw them again.

I stayed behind with two others whose knees couldn’t endure further hiking. Excuse welcomed. My lungs couldn’t handle the altitude. So we headed back. There were plenty of August wildflowers and green vegetation on the trail. But most were off the path, across the creek, or along a steep hillside, too far to capture with my restricted lens.

I did manage to maneuver behind a redwood where a huge mushroom grew beneath a beautiful red flower that I have not been able to identify.



Alongside the rocky trail were Fireweed (left) and Aster.



The gentleman who stayed behind shared his lunch, and before giving me a ride back to my car in Jackson, I left a note on the other driver’s windshield.

Will I go to another Sierra Light Photography Meetup?

Yes. In my own car.

At my own pace.

Will I have a pro camera and lens?




