Archive for November 22nd, 2011


Pilgrim Corn Salad – So Easy and So Tasty!

November 22, 2011 Registered & Protected

Folks, keep up the good work adding to the ”Thanksgiving Humor Week’ post. Meanwhile, here’s a wonderful side dish (and a little pilgrim history) for your feast. Thanks Bernadine for guest writing. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. May you be safe, smile much, and laugh even more.–Dianne Marie Andre

By Bernadine Chapman-Cruz

At Thanksgiving, thoughts turn to the pilgrims landing on Plymouth Rock. Seeking religious freedom in an unfamiliar place, early life was filled with hardships, from battling the elements, to rampant disease, dwindling population and the unknown dangers associated with living in an unfamiliar land. Nonetheless, a God fearing people, the pilgrims were thankful.

During colonization, the pilgrims came to rely on the Indians, who were native to the area. The red man taught the white man how to live off the land, trap game and grow corn. After a successful harvest, the pilgrims decided to celebrate the wealth the land had to offer in a communal feast. Not only did the new settlers provide for their families and community, but extended an invitation to the Indian Chiefs with whom they had formed friendships.

When it came time for the celebration, food preparation was in full flurry and the pilgrim’s tables were laden with the rich abundance of the land. Wild duck, goose and deer, along with corn, other vegetables, cranberries and assorted fruits and nuts made for a hearty and tasty fare. It is interesting to note that the turkey, ubiquitous with a traditional Thanksgiving dinner, may not have adorned the pilgrim’s table.

When it came time for the guests to arrive, the pilgrims expected the Indian Chiefs with whom they had become trusted friends, but were dismayed when entire villages accompanied their leaders to the feast. Even though astonished by the number of unexpected guests, the pilgrims welcomed all who came to their table and the traditional Thanksgiving dinner was born.

Thanksgiving is a time to welcome family and friends; to share a meal prepared with love; and to be thankful for our blessings, just like the pilgrims did so long ago. A delightful way to carry on this tradition is to include Pilgrim Corn Salad as part of your holiday menu. Happy Thanksgiving. Copyright 2011 Bernadine Chapman-Cruz

Pilgrim Corn Salad

In a medium size bowl combine:

2 cans kernel corn

¾ cup dried cranberries

¼ cup chopped pecans.

Marinate with dressing consisting of:

2 Tablespoons each:  olive oil and balsamic vinegar

1 Tablespoon apricot jam

1 teaspoon each:  Dijon mustard and Worcestershire sauce

Refrigerate for 30 minutes.  Yield 8 – ½ cup servings