Archive for July 7th, 2014


I made a promise . . .

July 7, 2014



Hummingbird Mint is the newest addition to one of my many potted plants. The mix of coral-colored blossoms is also novel to the white, lavender, and pink hues around the house and garden.

I had purposely planted the Hummingbird Mint in view of the kitchen and great room windows, but I spotted only one hummingbird drinking sweet nectar from the tubular flowers. Then the blossoms died. While I was deadheading on a warm early morning, a hummerbird fluttered about looking for breakfast.

She came close to me, hovered one foot in front of my face.

“Sorry,” I said with an earnest heart, “it will bloom again, soon.”

She tilted her head as if to acknowledge my apology. Then off she flew in anticipation of  a promise.