Posts Tagged ‘wood chipper’


Weather, Projects, and Dreams

February 21, 2011

Earlier this month, I thought winter had signed up for springtime sports. It was so sunny and warm (in the mid 60s) the landscape transformed from a wet, chilly icebox to a bright and beautiful pause. Outdoor activities increased and my mind began to cultivate modest possibilities and far-fetched dreams. Between the shedding of layered clothing and accomplishing alfresco projects, I felt revived—as did Ralphie.

Thankful to be outside, I spent several hours gathering debris and raking last fall’s remaining oak leaves. A few days later, I popped potato seeds into the earth and transplanted volunteer snapdragons and calendulas. In the days ahead, in the garden, I pruned two large shrubs, one crape myrtle tree, and six buddleia bushes while my husband, Joe, trimmed a huge Chinese maple in the backyard. We ran our trimmings through a wood chipper then laid the shredded mulch around a raised bed for weed control. Sustainable gardening at it’s best!

Since Joe was out of work during the springtime capsule, I nudged him to tackle a few projects. Using recycled material, stashed in the barn, he installed a new garden faucet, put a hose post next to three old faucets (the hose holders will have to wait), built a cover for the woodpile, and laid tile on the garden house floor and windowsills. I can’t tell you how long I’ve waited for these tasks to get done.

Everyday that we were outside working, Ralphie wandered the pastures for cow pies and gopher holes, he chased cats, sandhill cranes, and cattle. Then he rested in the sun. We accomplished a lot. Even Ralphie, in his own way, filled sunny days with boundless deeds.

The beautiful spring-like weather could have held me hostage forever. But winter rain and gusty winds returned, then yesterday another sunny day. But there’s more rain in the forecast. What can I say? It’s Fickle February. Regardless, indoors or out, I can still visualize modest possibilities and far-fetched dreams, and that’s a delightful place to be.   2011 © Dianne Marie Andre